Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christianity nowadays

 I have been pondering, observing, watching closely, listening, and thinking about some the life and ways of Christianity. "When it comes to Family, Faith is out of the question." We see this in a new follower's choice of life and his newly walk of faith. But guess what, us old believers or mid-life followers of Christ still do the same. Our families still dis-owns us when we fall out of GOD'S WILL. Or whatever they make of it.
     If you dis-agree with me, look back in your life and dig really, really, really far back. You'll start seeing things that you want to hide and forget about. Those forgotten events in life sucks pretty much when your family persecuted you, right?! I'm talking about Christians persecuting Christians. Now why does that happen? You be the judge? What does it mean to be a follower of Christ?

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