Friday, January 27, 2012

Through the eyes of many...

          I'll try to be as clear as possible here. I try to understand people and their origins. I try to look at life through their eyes. I try to love on them and capture the beauty that makes them alive. I know I am not the smartest person or wisest. But what I do have is this mind and heart...I want to understand you all. Every step that I take on campus here at school makes, draws me closer to the students studying with me. I know I can't be in their shoes, or think like them, and talk like them. But I can experience and be there for them when they need me. Maybe it is the complexion of this young Asian American guy that there is a space filled with intimidation. Ha...what is there to be scare of?! My point here is that WE all live life differently. But just take time to see what the other person is going through. Take a look at the unfamiliar eyes and let it soak a little. Don't let the complexion scare you off. 
          Allow every step that you take be a opportunity. Hear the music of the minority, lost, drunk, abused, and even dominant play in your ears. We are all one as Genki Sudo has shown. Through the eyes of many we can change the world. Allowing others to see your view, and you being able to do the same is difficult. But taking a chance and a leap of faith takes us closer to one another. Being able to share commonality and life's struggles is one that we all struggle with. But when we take that moment, just that small moment to observe and soak in the individual's life, I believe that can move us. Just enough, just enough to enlighten us. You see, we all have a spark but where did that spark come from? Who made the spark? Who started the Spark? 

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