Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What has made me, is caring for me.
The path that I choose from here on,
will determine who I am.
O God, my creator your Love
is what I depend on.
Even though I call onto you with
my own iniquity at hand you still love me.
All for you, O God who loves abundantly
and gives it freely.
I am nothing if I did not have you O God.
O Lord, my savior and redeemer who has died
for me on the cross, I will come and give you praise daily.
I will come with my pains and suffering for I know that you
are the one who is the greatest doctor and healer.
May you use me to the end of my days, so that your kingdom may
overflow with your children.
I am here and suffering O God, I will still praise you for who
are because I am all yours.
Who am I to say that I am my own.
Woe to whom says that and may you forgive them O sovereign and
loving God.
Our own ways have taken us out from yours.
Our shame has brought us down, to where our eyes are not relying
on you anymore O Lord.
My will is in hunger to praise you and please you Father.
O my soul has more to earn and more to learn.
But I know with your great wisdom, guidance, and love you will
provide a way for me to know you, and love you deeper each day.
God, I will continue to serve you even with this disease that have.
Gout will go out form this body one day.
I have Gout, but Gout does not have me!
All praise and glory to the most high!

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