Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Within ME

Learning how to resist,
Learning how to persist.
Waiting for an answer,
Waiting patiently.
In search of Truth,
In need of Use.

"I have to overcome my own ambitions. I have to wait."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random facts...

Random Fact #1: God healed me from Gout
Random Fact #2: I am too simple & cheap
Random Fact #3: I'll eat anything that will not kill me (not a picky eater!)
Random Fact #4: I like to sit and watch the sun set & rise
Random Fact #5: Favorite colors are...Green, Blue,and Khaki
Random Fact #6: Willing to learn anything
Random Fact #7: I enjoy the outdoors
Random Fact #8: God brought
Random Fact #9: I like to fix things
Random Fact #10: I've dyed my sister's hair/streaked it for her at least four times

2011 Spring Break

As I gather my thoughts for Spring Break there is the restless nights of partying and what reality T.V. has shown me. My Spring Break started early within the month. Countless movie nights with netflix, all nighters, Carl's Jr., Dennys, and catching God's flash light(The Sun). I have not discover this earlier. Great friends, permanent study time, and memories filled with laughter, tear drops, stories, testimonies, and prayers.

In reality, my Spring Break will be fill with working 8 hours a day for the entire break. Its not about the money, its about keeping myself busy and doing what I am best at(Janitorial Work). Well that is not the only thing I'm good at. I believe there are other things I am pretty good at besides janitorial jobs. Sadly to say, I am too good at breaking my own heart. It is better to say, "At least I am not breaking a Gal's Heart."

On the other hand, my spring break begins with the journey of all nighters, movies with my loving friends, and then camping. The rain has made its home in our town. Needless to say, it is home to all. Have you've noticed that home was not mention? I have no excuses.

Time awaits me
Time wakes me
Excuses score
Excuses no more
Friends or Foe
Friends of Love
Boy do I know
Boy do I cry
God is here
God is there
God is everywhere

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Everything I have is yours
From big to small
On earth & to the stars
What have I made from my own two hands?
Nothing but my own desires
Come & have your way

What more can I ask from you God
You blessed me with abundance grace & love
What lives in me is your Son
My savior Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Like snow that melts away, may our sadness pass away.
Like trees that grow fiercely, may we grow together without ceasing!
Look at the sun as it rise, can I stay by your side.
Look at how the flowers bloom, may our love fill such room.
I thank God for a beautiful lady, during the summer’s late night waiting.
I am happy to be with you, may our love be bonded like glue.
My Love, My Love, you will always be beautiful, in God’s eyes and in Mine.