Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow, it is 2010 already! Man o Man, it does not feel like a whole year yet?

My ending of 2009 was not so pleasing. I got injured from playing "Kick The Can" in Marysville on the night of December 27, 2009 at Zong(Jason's) house. You guys and gals should of seen the huge bruise that I got from the accident. My whole left shin was 3x's bigger than usual. Just put your fist on top of your shin, that's how big it was. Praise God his mom took care of me, as will as the whole family. I spent a night there because niam Kt. Vam Moua wanted to see my leg in the morning and give me another massage. After the massage Zong, Thunder, and took off to Fresno Hmong New Year. Met up with Bee and Jessie and headed out to the the Hmong Christian Concert at the Fresno Fairground. It was ok, very tiring and in pain but I stayed anyway.

I'm back home and notices that the swell on my leg hasn't decreased. And I can't stand up anymore. Every time I get up for a walk, it acts up like there is electricity running all over my left leg and it hurts too. Well, my sisters wanted me to go to the emergency room so I agreed and we went. They got me in and hooked me up to the IV bag, gave me penicillin, and morphine. The nurse injected it into my arm and there I go off to sleep. Man, it was fast and weird. The doctor ran an x-ray and told me that there are no broken bones, possibility blood clogged, and it is positive Infected!!! Yikes, I didn't even know some of the words he used. But luckily ,my sister Mai Xiong was there to explain everything to me. She's majoring in some kind of Bio-labing thing..ahha...

So yup, this is how I am starting my new year...a infected leg, nauseous, head ache, sleep deprived, sore body, and bad eating is starting in one week...Have to drive back to school.

God, I know you are watching me. Jesus who's ministry I am accomplishing, Holy Spirit who dwells in me, everything I do is for you God. All praise, glory, and honor to you O God. Amen.

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